A further 25 teams have joined the LABC Quality Management System meaning just a handful of local authority teams are still to join the scheme. Five…
Blog Post
We've put together a coronavirus-related resource page aimed at the construction industry and building control. It lists the documents and Government…
The Welsh and UK governments have both launched stimulus programmes this year that aim to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, boost the…
Because we aren't able to bring our technical seminars or roadshows to you in person at the moment, LABC will be hosting our Technical Seminars…
Following a rise in the conversion of men's and women's toilets to gender neutral in recent years, the UK government has launched an open…
A recent CROSS report from structural safety organisation SCOSS draws attention to the safety of large outdoor screens and the risk of collapse,…
LABC is delighted to learn that Ken Scott, Head of Inspectorate at the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) has become an  MBE in the Queen’s…
A blueprint to improve competence for those working on higher-risk buildings and drive culture change has been set out by a cross-industry group…
It's been a strange and unsettling year and we're gutted that we haven't been able to hold the LABC Building Excellence Awards Regional and Grand…