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Chi sy'n rheoli
Gweithwyr proffesiynol
Amdanom LABC
LABC Academy
Main navigation
Chi sy'n rheoli
Gweithwyr proffesiynol
Amdanom LABC
LABC Academy
5 cam i gael cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu
Cwestiynau cyffredin i berchnogion tai
Building control glossary
Ydw i angen cais rheoliadau adeiladu (prosiectau penodol)...?
Oes angen tystysgrif gwblhau ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu yn fy nhŷ?
Dechrau ar eich prosiect adeiladu
**NEW** FAQs on Approved Inspector insurance issues
Sut mae gwneud cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Sut mae'r LABC yn eich helpu i osgoi adeiladwyr diegwyddor
Ble galla’i gael copi o fy nhystysgrif adeiladu?
Pam dylwn i ddefnyddio rhywun mewn Cynllun Personau Cymwys (CPS)?
Pam mae rheoli adeiladu'n bwysig?
Canllawiau Rheoliadau Adeiladu
Cymwysterau rheoli adeiladu
Gwasanaethau LABC
Building Bulletin email newsletter
Cynlluniau cofrestru
Hwb Safonau'r Adeiladwyr Proffesiynol
Datblygwyr masnachol
Housing developers
LABC Board of Directors
Charity of the year
Sefydliadau rydyn ni'n eu cefnogi
Adolygiadau a geirdaon
Gweithio gyda'r LABC
Rhanbarthau'r LABC
Polisi preifatrwydd
Copyright and ownership of LABC intellectual property
Meet the LABC team
Pa wasanaethau rydyn ni'n eu cynnig ar y wefan?
Pam dewis rheoli adeiladu awdurdod lleol?
Beth yw'r Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
LABC Publishing
Self build homes
Blog posts
Press releases
Building Safety & Hackitt press releases, articles and resources
Awards region deadlines
Awards team contact details
How to apply
What is a building control surveyor?
How do I become a building control surveyor?
Building Control Blog
Beth yw rheoli adeiladu?
Fideo: Beth yw’r rheoliadau adeiladu?
Will I need building control?
A fydd angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar fy mhrosiect adeiladu?
Felly sut mae’r broses gymeradwyo’n gweithio?
What type of building regulations application do I need?
Faint fydd hyn yn ei gostio?
A fydd angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar fy ngwelliannau bach i'r cartref?
Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng caniatâd cynllunio a rheoliadau adeiladu?
Pa mor hir mae’n ei gymryd i brosesu cais?
A oes angen i mi wneud cais rheoliadau adeiladu wrth osod ffitiad rheoledig mewn adeilad eithriedig?
Ydw i angen Cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Which building control authority should I use?
I've been affected by the expiry of my Approved Inspector's insurance - what do I do?
A oes rhaid i mi ddweud wrth fy nghymdogion am fy nghynlluniau adeiladu?
Ble galla’i gael copi o'r dogfennau Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Sut mae gwneud cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
A oes cosbau am beidio â chydymffurfio â’r Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Rydw i’n meddwl gwerthu fy nhŷ – fydd arna’i angen cymeradwyaeth am waith adeiladu a wnaethpwyd cyn i mi fod yn berchen ar y tŷ?
Does gen i ddim y caniatâd iawn ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu - beth wna'i?
A gaf apelio os caiff fy nghais Cynlluniau Llawn ei wrthod?
Beth ddylwn i ei wneud os yw’r gwaith wedi mynd o chwith?
Alla'i apelio yn erbyn hysbysiad gorfodi?
Help - ni chawsom ganiatâd ar gyfer ein gwaith adeiladu! (Fideo)
Can I get retrospective building control approval?
Rydw i'n adeiladu addasiad atig - oes gennych chi gyngor Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu i addasu fy garej?
A oes angen rheoliadau adeiladu ar gyfer fy estyniad?
Ystafell wydr
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar gyfer gwaith trydanol?
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu i wneud newidiadau mewnol?
Why do I need building control approval for my building project?
Why can I choose who does my building control?
Why are some private building inspectors facing problems?
What should Approved Inspectors do once their insurance has expired?
What's the process for transferring work from an AI that no longer has insurance to an LABC team?
Why does the project have to be reverted to the local Authority?
What does it cost to cancel an initial notice and revert work to my local council?
Why do I have to pay twice – once for the Approved Inspector and then for the LABC team?
What will the local authority surveyor do?
Can Approved Inspectors continue without the required insurance?
What is the status of any regulatory work done in a period where an Approved Inspector fails to secure renewal of their insurance?
Does a cancellation notice have to be issued by the Approved Inspector?
What information should I request from the Approved Inspector when reverting a project to the local council?
What happens if I only find out my AI has no insurance once the works are completed?
What is the Government and LABC doing to help this situation?
How can I get further information/updates?
Who are LABC?
Dogfennau Cymeradwy a chanllawiau technegol Lloegr
Approved Documents and technical guidance Wales
Canllawiau statudol
Prentisiaethau rheoli adeiladu'r LABC
Air tightness testing
Archwiliadau mynediad
Gwasanaethau ynni
Peirianneg Tân
Asesiadau risg tân
Get a quote
Gwarantau adeileddol
Hyfforddiant mewnol
Our training team
What people are saying about our conferences and training....
Cwestiynau cyffredin hyfforddiant
Aelodaeth o'r CIOB drwy'r LABC
LABC Assured
Partner Authority Scheme (PAS)
Registered Construction Details
Education projects
Fit-out projects
Office developments
Sports stadiums and arenas
Meistri Adeiladu: LABC (Fideo)
Cartrefi newydd
Social housing
LABC and house builders
Building control jobs
Beth yw syrfëwr rheoli adeiladu a sut galla'i fod yn un?
Daniel Anon - Trainee of the Year 2017 (Videos)
In the spotlight: Building Control Manager Angela Edwards
Introducing LABC Trainee of the Year 2016: Jack Pritchard!
My building control story - Seb Jackson
Technical support in building control
We're hiring
LDSA (London District Surveyors' Association)
Be part of the most significant change in construction in more than 30 years
Why not consider a career in building control with the opportunity to progress?
Building control – improving public safety
Members navigation
Partner Authority Scheme
Standards and practice
Projects and activitiies
Standards and practice
Standards and practice
Intro text here
Other text here
Chi sy'n rheoli
5 cam i gael cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu
Cwestiynau cyffredin i berchnogion tai
Beth yw rheoli adeiladu?
Fideo: Beth yw’r rheoliadau adeiladu?
Will I need building control?
A fydd angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar fy mhrosiect adeiladu?
Felly sut mae’r broses gymeradwyo’n gweithio?
What type of building regulations application do I need?
Faint fydd hyn yn ei gostio?
A fydd angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar fy ngwelliannau bach i'r cartref?
Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng caniatâd cynllunio a rheoliadau adeiladu?
Pa mor hir mae’n ei gymryd i brosesu cais?
A oes angen i mi wneud cais rheoliadau adeiladu wrth osod ffitiad rheoledig mewn adeilad eithriedig?
Ydw i angen Cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Which building control authority should I use?
I've been affected by the expiry of my Approved Inspector's insurance - what do I do?
A oes rhaid i mi ddweud wrth fy nghymdogion am fy nghynlluniau adeiladu?
Ble galla’i gael copi o'r dogfennau Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Sut mae gwneud cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
A oes cosbau am beidio â chydymffurfio â’r Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Rydw i’n meddwl gwerthu fy nhŷ – fydd arna’i angen cymeradwyaeth am waith adeiladu a wnaethpwyd cyn i mi fod yn berchen ar y tŷ?
Does gen i ddim y caniatâd iawn ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu - beth wna'i?
A gaf apelio os caiff fy nghais Cynlluniau Llawn ei wrthod?
Beth ddylwn i ei wneud os yw’r gwaith wedi mynd o chwith?
Alla'i apelio yn erbyn hysbysiad gorfodi?
Help - ni chawsom ganiatâd ar gyfer ein gwaith adeiladu! (Fideo)
Can I get retrospective building control approval?
Building control glossary
Ydw i angen cais rheoliadau adeiladu (prosiectau penodol)...?
Rydw i'n adeiladu addasiad atig - oes gennych chi gyngor Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu i addasu fy garej?
A oes angen rheoliadau adeiladu ar gyfer fy estyniad?
Ystafell wydr
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu ar gyfer gwaith trydanol?
Oes angen cymeradwyaeth rheoliadau adeiladu i wneud newidiadau mewnol?
Oes angen tystysgrif gwblhau ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu yn fy nhŷ?
Dechrau ar eich prosiect adeiladu
**NEW** FAQs on Approved Inspector insurance issues
Why do I need building control approval for my building project?
Why can I choose who does my building control?
Why are some private building inspectors facing problems?
What should Approved Inspectors do once their insurance has expired?
What's the process for transferring work from an AI that no longer has insurance to an LABC team?
Why does the project have to be reverted to the local Authority?
What does it cost to cancel an initial notice and revert work to my local council?
Why do I have to pay twice – once for the Approved Inspector and then for the LABC team?
What will the local authority surveyor do?
Can Approved Inspectors continue without the required insurance?
What is the status of any regulatory work done in a period where an Approved Inspector fails to secure renewal of their insurance?
Does a cancellation notice have to be issued by the Approved Inspector?
What information should I request from the Approved Inspector when reverting a project to the local council?
What happens if I only find out my AI has no insurance once the works are completed?
What is the Government and LABC doing to help this situation?
How can I get further information/updates?
Who are LABC?
Sut mae gwneud cais Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
Sut mae'r LABC yn eich helpu i osgoi adeiladwyr diegwyddor
Ble galla’i gael copi o fy nhystysgrif adeiladu?
Pam dylwn i ddefnyddio rhywun mewn Cynllun Personau Cymwys (CPS)?
Pam mae rheoli adeiladu'n bwysig?
Gweithwyr proffesiynol
Canllawiau Rheoliadau Adeiladu
Dogfennau Cymeradwy a chanllawiau technegol Lloegr
Approved Document A: Structure
Approved Document B: Fire Safety – Volumes 1 & 2
Approved Document C: Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture
Approved Document D: Toxic substances
Approved Document E: Resistance to the passage of sound
Approved Document F: Ventilation
Approved Document G: Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency
Approved Document H: Drainage and waste disposal
Approved Document J: Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems
Approved Document K: Protection from falling, collision and impact
Approved Document M: Access to and use of buildings
Approved Document P: Electrical safety - Dwellings
Approved Document Q: Security - Dwellings
Approved Document R: Physical Infrastructure for High Speed Electronic Communications Networks
Approved Document L: Conservation of fuel and power
Building Regulations - Regulation 7: Materials and workmanship
Approved Documents and technical guidance Wales
Wales Approved Document K: Protection from falling, collision and impact
Wales Approved Document A: Structure
Wales Approved Document Part B: Fire Safety
Wales Approved Document Part C: Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture
Wales Approved Document Part D: Toxic substances
Wales Approved Document Part E: Resistance to the passage of sound
Wales Approved Document F: Means of ventilation
Wales Part G: Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency
Wales Approved Document H: Drainage and waste disposal
Wales Approved Document J: Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems
Wales Approved Document L: Conservation of fuel and power
Wales Part M: Access to and use of buildings
Wales Approved Document N: Glazing
Wales Approved Document P: Electrical safety - Dwellings
Wales Approved Document Q: Security - Dwellings
Wales Approved Document R: Physical Infrastructure for High Speed Electronic Communications Networks
Wales Approved Document to support regulation 7: Materials and workmanship
Archif Dogfennau Cymeradwy
Archif Gwybodaeth Statudol
Canllawiau harchifo
Mandatory Fire Suppression for Wales - A Technical Guide
Canllawiau statudol
Cymwysterau rheoli adeiladu
Prentisiaethau rheoli adeiladu'r LABC
Register your interest in the apprenticeship degree webinar
Gwasanaethau LABC
Air tightness testing
Archwiliadau mynediad
Gwasanaethau ynni
Peirianneg Tân
Asesiadau risg tân
Get a quote
Gwarantau adeileddol
Hyfforddiant mewnol
Our training team
What people are saying about our conferences and training....
Cwestiynau cyffredin hyfforddiant
How do I book a course?
What is CPD?
I'm not sure which training course is right for me
Will my course count towards my CPD?
What do I do if I want to attend a course but there are none in my region?
Will I receive confirmation of my booking?
How do I pay for an LABC training course?
What are LABC's booking terms and conditions?
What is LABC Pre-Pay?
What is a purchase order number?
Where do I send my purchase order number?
Will my invoice need to be paid before I attend a course?
Who do I contact if I have invoicing queries?
What if I haven't received the joining instructions?
What do I need to bring with me to the course?
What's the dress code?
Who'll be running the course?
Will lunch be provided?
Can I transfer my place to someone else?
I can't find the answer to my question!
Aelodaeth o'r CIOB drwy'r LABC
Building Bulletin email newsletter
Cynlluniau cofrestru
LABC Assured
Partner Authority Scheme (PAS)
Partner Authority Scheme application form
Registered Construction Details
Hwb Safonau'r Adeiladwyr Proffesiynol
Datblygwyr masnachol
Education projects
Fit-out projects
Office developments
Sports stadiums and arenas
Meistri Adeiladu: LABC (Fideo)
Housing developers
Cartrefi newydd
Social housing
LABC and house builders
Amdanom LABC
Building control jobs
Beth yw syrfëwr rheoli adeiladu a sut galla'i fod yn un?
Daniel Anon - Trainee of the Year 2017 (Videos)
In the spotlight: Building Control Manager Angela Edwards
Introducing LABC Trainee of the Year 2016: Jack Pritchard!
My building control story - Seb Jackson
Technical support in building control
We're hiring
LABC Board of Directors
Charity of the year
Sefydliadau rydyn ni'n eu cefnogi
Adolygiadau a geirdaon
Gweithio gyda'r LABC
Rhanbarthau'r LABC
LDSA (London District Surveyors' Association)
LDSA region contact details
Polisi preifatrwydd
Copyright and ownership of LABC intellectual property
Meet the LABC team
Pa wasanaethau rydyn ni'n eu cynnig ar y wefan?
Pam dewis rheoli adeiladu awdurdod lleol?
Beth yw'r Rheoliadau Adeiladu?
LABC Publishing
Self build homes
Blog posts
Press releases
Building Safety & Hackitt press releases, articles and resources
Awards region deadlines
Awards team contact details
LABC Academy
How to apply
What is a building control surveyor?
How do I become a building control surveyor?
Building Control Blog
Be part of the most significant change in construction in more than 30 years
Why not consider a career in building control with the opportunity to progress?
Building control – improving public safety