Press Release
More than 750 leading construction industry figures attended the LABC Building Excellence Awards at the Westminster Park Plaza Hotel to acclaim best…
Press Release
More than 750 leading construction industry figures attended the LABC Building Excellence Awards at the Westminster Park Plaza Hotel to acclaim best…
Press Release
More than 750 leading construction industry figures attended the LABC Building Excellence Awards at the Westminster Park Plaza Hotel to acclaim best…
The Electrical Safety Roundtable and Trustmark have teamed up to create a tool for homeowners, tenants and electricians to use to report unsafe, non-…
The way we live and interact with spaces has constantly evolved as our needs, priorities and lifestyles have changed. Housing design and layout is…
Article updated on 31 January 2024 All building materials are subject to movement. This movement is due to several reasons however, two are…
For new dwellings and extensions, a popular method of providing ventilation has been to follow the principles of intermittent extract and background…
We recently wrote about good installation of cavity wall ties in masonry walls in relation to moisture ingress and structural failure. There are some…
Over 2 days, 15 Guest speakers, 40 exhibitor representatives, 50 online delegates and 250 in person made the 2021 LABC conference one of the most…