Registering Robust Details for sound


An important design consideration for new houses, flats or dwellings attached to one another is how to resist sound from travelling between them. Regulation 41 requires the sound performance of separating walls or floors to be demonstrated by pre-completion testing or by using design details published by Robust Details Ltd. But do you know the requirements and process for registration of plots with Robust Details and the type of information you need to provide to the local authority?

Where Requirement E1 of the building regulations applies in separating walls and floors between dwellings, an alternative to pre-completion sound testing would be to follow details published by Robust Details in their handbook. This is a procedure confirmed by regulation 41(4) of the building regulations, and Annex E of Approved Document E explains the scope and requirements of the scheme. This includes the requirement for the developer to provide information on their intended use of Robust Details to the local authority before a notification of commencement is made to them. This is to allow full inspection of the construction, including use of a foundation type that is appropriate for the chosen Robust Detail.

Remember that the Robust Details approach only applies to the erection of dwelling-house or a building containing flats. For dwellings formed by material change of use, early discussion with the local authority is recommended to agree to sound testing requirements.

What is required in the notification?

As a minimum, the notification of intent to use Robust Details must contain the following information:

  • The part (or parts) of the building where the design detail is proposed to be used.
  • The design detail to be used, this could be an annotation on a drawing or specification of the Robust Detail reference number to be followed.
  • A unique reference number issued by Robust Details in respect of the specified use of that design detail.

This will be contained on the purchase statement issued by Robust Details following registration of the plots.

What is the Robust Details Registration Process?

As the local authority will need to be notified of the intent to use Robust Details before works start, it is important to decide the approach to be taken at the design stage. If work is started before registering plots with Robust Details, liaison with the local authority will be necessary and it might mean the only option is to undertake pre-completion sound testing on all relevant constructions.

The following steps will need to be completed before works start.

STEP 1: Check the Robust Details are appropriate and valid for the development.

STEP 2: A plot registration application (RD110 Form) will need to be completed or details entered through an online account. 

STEP 3: Robust Details will review the registration application and issue:

  • A Purchase Statement listing unique references for all registered plots.
  • Checklists for each Robust Detail type selected.
  • Compliance Certificates for each plot registered.
  • An Invoice and covering letter.

STEP 4: A copy of the purchase statement will need to be supplied to the Local Authority before work commences on site. This indicates the plots that are registered and the relevant Robust Details. 

STEP 5: Check with the local authority that the notification has been received and is acceptable before starting work.

What happens next?

It is important to ensure that construction is being undertaken in accordance with the relevant detail specifications as work progresses. Checklists supplied by Robust Details will be able to help with verification on site.

Ensure that the inspection stages are agreed for each plot with the building control authority, and they are requested to view the work as it progresses. They may require a copy of the compliance certificate for each construction to assist in determining that building work is in accordance with the design detail.

Further details can be found on the Robust Details website.


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.


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