Blog Post
LABC President, Jayne Hall and Chief Executive, Paul Everall joined parliamentarians, young people, supporters and celebrities at an event…
Blog Post
As thermal requirements for new builds have increased, designers have little option but to increase quantities of insulation within the external…
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Introduced in Victorian times, drain interceptor traps were originally installed to stop the smells from sewers venting into properties. The health…
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Distinguishable stair nosings have been with us now since Approved Document M was first introduced in 1992.  In the last 24 years the…
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House builders today can face poor thermal performance at the eaves detail. This is where the roof insulation tapers out to next to nothing in the…
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One of our surveyors came across this stairway on site recently. Spotted the problem yet? It's not an optical illusion, the stair treads increase in…
Blog Post
One of our surveyors came across this on site recently: At first glance it looked like someone was trying to compress a 100mm toilet discharge pipe…
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Dragon tie with simple decorative detail (courtesy of When traditional roof construction was the norm, a dragon tie…
Blog Post
Article updated on 31 January 2024 Recently, one of our LABC teams received an application for ‘the refurbishment of and alterations to a dwelling’.…