Opinion: Is building control holding back housebuilding in the UK?
This country needs more houses to be built – no question. The Government says so, the housebuilders say so, the people who want a house say so – although they are likely to insert the word “affordable” into what they want. So why aren’t more being built? Could it be that over-zealous building control surveyors are stopping development which might otherwise go ahead?
I have had some responsibilities for the content of the Building Regulations in England, or for how local authorities undertake building control, for more than 25 years now. Periodically, Governments of all persuasions have shone their torch on to the Building Regulations with a view to deregulation. In recent years we have had the Housing Standards Review, and currently the Cabinet Office has an exercise looking for productivity improvements in house building – and again the Building Regulations are under the microscope.
I have no problem with this being examined, but I do believe that with the many improvements to the efficiency of building control over the years, this is now not a major issue. Housebuilders I have talked to recently share this view. They have much bigger concerns. Despite the reforms made to the planning system by the last Government, there are still long delays in relation to some sites, and the time taken for local plans to be prepared and approved can hold development back.
With the huge number of skilled trades laid off during the recession, there is now a severe labour shortage in some areas. And housebuilders complain about the length of time it takes to get services connected. Thankfully, financial reforms seem to have made it easier for people to buy a house, particularly if it is for the first time.
So, without being complacent, let’s keep the Building Regulations much as they are to ensure that new homes are safe, healthy, accessible and sustainable.
Paul Everall is Chief Executive at LABC. For media enquiries, or to arrange an interview, please contact the PR and Marketing Department on 0207 091 6861 or email comms@labc.co.uk
Also read How can the construction industry improve the quality of UK housing?
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