LABC President Chris Griffith-Jones hands over the reins at President's Reception

LABC Presidents Chris Griffith-Jones and Dave Sharp

LABC's annual President’s Reception marks the handover from the current President to the holder of the post for the following year.

The 2018/19 President will be Dave Sharp, Principal Building Control Surveyor from Wrexham County Borough Council (pictured above, being formally introducing by Chris Griffith-Jones.)

Also on the night...

The first of LABC’s level 6 fire safety surveyors receive their certificates from the Institution of Fire Engineer’s Neil Gibbons (centre):

Fire safety certificates at the LABC President's Reception


More than 160 guests enjoy the surroundings of London's historic Trinity House:

President's Reception guests


Trainee of the Year 2018 Bhavesh Patel (right) deep in discussion (find out more about him here): 

LABC Trainee of the Year 2018

Good news for charity

Each year the President nominates a charity and this year, with the help of our members and customers, more than £51,000 has been raised for Oracle Cancer Trust, a charity close to Chris's heart. LABC's next President Dave Sharp will be nominating his own and we'll post the details in due course.


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