How to get it right: Door swings

Blog Post
Door swing staircase - building regulations issue

Article updated on 31 January 2024

Door swings too close to staircase - Building Regulations issueOne of our surveyors recently sent in this photo, taken in a brand new commercial building. 

It’s the ground floor of a protected staircase and shows the door swing directly over the bottom of the stair within the landing space. 

Clear space should be provided at the top and bottom of flights of stairs measuring at least the width of the stair and this can be reduced to 400mm at the bottom of stairs within dwellings.

This is to protect those on the staircase as there's a danger of being hit by the door swinging into them when they’re nearing the bottom of the steps or an injury caused by a fall.

The 400mm allowance for dwellings is because there is usually only one person on the stair so they could stop to steady themselves to ‘dodge’ the door swinging at them.

In buildings other than dwellings, and particularly within a protected stair, a door opening across the bottom of the stair will form a bottleneck for those escaping, and the potential to cause serious injury.

While the area around the door in the image above needed a replastering job and redecoration, the door and frame could be reversed to open away from the stairs and into the lobby instead, because the number of people moving from that area was less than 60.

Further information

Find out more and download Approved Document K.

Read more 'How to get it right' articles


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.


LABC Response

Submitted 1 flwyddyn 10 mis ago


Thank you for your comment.

“Because you WC door does not swing into the landing, it will satisfy this particular section of the guidance to building regulations. LABC is unable to determine whether your circumstance is acceptable in full because this is dependent upon other factors and is a matter for your local authority to consider.”

Kind Regards,

Door with step, 90 degrees to top of landing

Submitted 1 flwyddyn 1 mis ago


We have recently had plans for a loft conversion produced. The staircase that has a landing at the top, the landing is same width as stair and longer in length. 90 Degrees to the stair/landing is an inward opening door with a single step up on the door threshold, is this suitable for building regulations?

Many thanks

LABC response

Submitted 1 flwyddyn 1 mis ago


Thank you for your question concerning a door opening on a staircase.

LABC is a membership organisation, providing advice and support to its member local authorities around England and Wales. As a result, LABC cannot comment on the application and enforcement of the Building Regulations on individual cases, as this is a matter for the local authority – being the enforcing authority for building regulations. We recommend that you discuss this with your designer or with your councils building control service.

LABC team

No landing / stairs & door swing

Submitted 1 flwyddyn ago


In a domestic residential setting, Is it acceptable to have an outward-opening (into 1 no. single room) door at the top of the stairs without landing?

LABC Response

Submitted 1 flwyddyn ago


Thank you for your enquiry.

Approved document K clause 1.20 recommends the landing should be at least as long as the width of the stair flight and clause 1.21b suggests this landing should be kept clear of obstructions (except for cupboard doors as described in Diagram 1.7). I hope you find the above to be of some assistance.


Stairs opening on to the 1st floor landing of domestic dwelling

Submitted 11 mis ago

Hello LABC team,

I would like my bathroom door on the first floor to open out on to the landing of a 1 storey domestic dwelling (3 bed family home).

Is this allowed; provided it keeps to the 400mm from the nose of the step code and other landing/ stair regs as per the K1 doc.

I think the doc states about doors on the ground floor; but I am unclear about the 1 st floor.

similar q 2Yr 4 months ago; but I cannot see the answer

LABC Response

Submitted 11 mis ago


Thank your for your enquiry.

The 400mm clearance recommendation relates to the bottom of a flight of stairs and not to the top. The top landing should be clear of any door swing to prevent someone being inadvertently knocked down the stairs.


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