Government seeks to improve local authority building control

Builder and building control officer on site

The Government announced on 4 July 2014 that in future local authority building control departments can apply to become approved inspectors and carry out building control functions, in particular site inspections, outside their own geographical boundaries. To do this local authorities will need to set up a trading company. The statutory building control functions of local authorities within their own areas remain unchanged.

LABC (Local Authority Building Control) did not lobby for this change. It arose as a suggestion from at least one local authority in response to the Government’s red tape challenge on housing and construction. When the Government came to consider this proposal, it discovered that local authorities can already do this using powers in the Localism Act 2011.

LABC, a membership organisation, exists to support and promote all local authority building control teams in England and Wales, and encourages its members to provide the most efficient and economical service possible, consistent with ensuring that the requirements of the Building Regulations are met. Paul Everall, Chief Executive of LABC, said:

“LABC will continue to support all our members, whether or not they choose to take advantage of this new opportunity. Any local authority thinking of going down this route will need to consider carefully the costs involved in setting up a trading company and in going through the CIC approval process for approved inspectors. They should also consider the implications setting up such a company may have for relations with their neighbouring authorities.

We believe that the best way of delivering an even better public sector building control service is through local authorities coming together and providing a shared service across a number of areas. Excellent examples of this type of collaboration already exist. Earlier this year we provided advice to our members on delivering a high quality building control service so that they can continue to benefit everyone in their communities. We will continue to explore further improvements to the building control service.”

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