The dos and don'ts of mains powered smoke alarms and battery alarms

Picture of smoke alarm fixed to the ceiling

Most properties in the UK have battery-operated smoke alarms, but mains powered smoke alarms interlinked between floors are the most reliable method of giving early warning in case of fire and must now be installed in all new homes.

Mains-wired smoke alarms are also required in certain types of alteration and extension work. Mount them in the circulation space at every floor level:

  • In loft conversions
  • When adding new habitable rooms (bedrooms, kitchens, living or dining rooms) above ground floor level
  • When adding a new habitable room at ground floor level that doesn’t have its own exit leading outdoors

Installing new interlinked smoke alarms can be disruptive, so think about the need for detection before you start work. Radio-linked alarms are acceptable; as long as the manufacturer can guarantee the battery back-up will last for 72 hours.

Smoke alarm DOs:

  • Ensure there's at least one alarm on every storey of the dwelling
  • Ensure there's an alarm within 7.5m of the door to every habitable room
  • Provide a heat detector to the kitchen if it's open plan to the escape route
  • Mount them 300mm away from walls and light fittings
  • Ensure the electrical installation of the units meets Part P requirements
  • Provide instructions to the end user

Smoke alarm DON'Ts:

  • Install them above staircases where testing and maintenance is dangerous
  • Site them in places where they can become very hot, cold, or subject to a lot of moisture or fumes (bathrooms, kitchens, garages - use a heat detector if need be)

Remember, there are additional requirements for large houses of two or more storeys where one of those storeys exceeds 200m2, so bear this in mind when working on footballers' mansions! If in any doubt, contact your local authority building control team to discuss.

Further information about fire safety

Also view: How to protect residents from carbon monoxide poisoning


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.

This article was updated on 28 March 2022


Smoke Alarms / heat alarms mains / battery

Submitted 3 years 5 months ago

Hi there

We are currently building a loft conversion.
I assume that we have to install mains powered smoke alarms in our landings/hallways and a heat alarm in our kitchen (our downstairs is currently open plan)
However, I have found this product, which has a 10 year battery. Is this suitable as an alternative to mains powered?

Fire alarm

Submitted 3 years 4 months ago

Hi I've sold my house and have a battery alarm on top landing and one in the main hall way down stairs the person who has bought the house had a electrical condition report done and one of the faults was no mains smoke detector do I have to have this installed or are the 2 battery ones ok the house isn't New it's about 40 yrs old

Scottish Fire Alarms Legislation

Submitted 2 years 9 months ago

I will shortly be compelled to install interlinked alarms in my property. Most people are opting for battery powered alarms where the battery is a tamper proof long life lithium. I say these batteries will never last out 10 years as the manufacturers claim on account of the alarms drawing power from them 24/7 as they continuously listen for radio signals from their paired alams in the network. Furthermore when the batteries begin to fail their terminal voltage will drop to below the necessary threshold needed for the circuits to work. I just think these alarms are not a viable and sensible alternative to mains powered alarms. What do you think ?

(No subject)

Submitted 2 years 8 months ago

Thank you for your comment, LABC can provide technical advice in England and Wales, and as such our standards for life safety require mains powered smoke alarms not battery powered.

However as the system of Building Control is different in Scotland and whilst I believe the answer may be the same, I would politely ask that you contact your local authority in Scotland for the answer to your question.

LABC team

Mains fire alarms

Submitted 2 years ago

Can a mains smoke alarm with battery back up, work by battery only? I have 2bed rented house and have 1 “smoke alarm” fitted after service. There is no mains supply to said alarm so will it just work off battery? How many smoke alarms should I have as was told 1 is enough. Thank you

LABC response

Submitted 2 years ago


Thank you for your query.

Mains smoke alarms will be connected directly into your electric system. There are battery operated smoke alarms available that work without a fixed electrical supply. LABC is unable to advise you on the number of smoke alarms you should have as it will depend on the specific nature of your home. Please consider taking a free Online Home Fire Safety Check which can be found at HFSC ( ( site also directs you to other helpful sources of information.

Links to external sources are provided to signpost other sources of information and should not be considered as any form of legal advice.

LABC team

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