The CIOB Academy open for business

Launch of the CIOB academy

CIOB AcademyFollowing its successful launch at the London Gherkin on 13 December 2016, the CIOB Academy is now well and truly up and running!

Their ‘by industry, for industry’ philosophy, was particularly well received by attendees to the event, and the many new training opportunities were greeted with enthusiasm.

Watch ITN’s launch video and hear what people had to say.

The Academy helps those involved in construction gain professional recognition, progress from site to management (or within specialisms), and move upwards to board roles.

They offer two online CPD courses a year, short courses, specialist certifications, and formal qualifications at Level 3 and upwards. The learning will always be practical, expert-led, and flexible, whether you’re interested in a springboard to chartered membership, a short course to keep your team up-skilled, or training to improve effectiveness in areas such as contract negotiation and report writing.

The Academy's first massive open online course (MOOC) on ethics and compliance started on 30th January and became an industry first. The five-week interactive course is completely free and open to anyone working in the built environment sector globally.

Further information

Visit the CIOB Academy website:

Browse LABC's training courses



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