Chimneys and flues: Don't forget the neighbours!

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Collection of chimneys

Diagram 17 from Approved Document J - chimneys and flues

Approved Document J outlines the precautions needed to ensure that smoke and gases from appliances can be safely discharged. Diagrams 17 and 18 highlight the outlet heights needed in relation to traditional roofs and easily ignited coverings such as thatch and shingles.

In general, outlets need to be at least 600mm above the ridge where they are on or within 600mm of the ridge itself (A). If the flue or chimney is elsewhere its height needs to be lifted until the termination point is 2300mm from the roof covering when measured horizontally and at least 1000mm high or at least as high as the ridge (B).

Extract from Approved Document J - flues and chimneys

What have the neighbours to do with it..?

There are also requirements if there are other buildings within 2300mm of the ‘regulated building’.

So adjoining buildings less than a drive width away from the chimney also impose a requirement to raise the outlet at least 600mm above any part of the adjoining building (D).

This could cause problems on sloping sites or on infill developments with the chimney or flue needing to be higher than normal. Don’t forget that Approved Document A also places a structural requirement for chimney height to be no more than 4.5 times its width (2D1 and Diagram 20).

So the higher a chimney, the larger it needs to be. There is also a requirement (AD J 2.8) for flues to be at least 4.5m measured from the highest point of air entry – which could be the top of a fireplace opening. For bungalows this means that termination may be significantly higher than 600mm above the ridge. 

Further information

Building Regulations Part J 

Building Regulations Part J (Wales)

Guide to installing solid fuel stoves


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.

This article was reviewed and updated on 10 August 2023


LABC response

Submitted 1 flwyddyn 1 mis ago


Thank you for your comment, LABC is unable to comment on specific cases, in general terms any flue adjacent to a boundary fence will need assessing in terms of consent for the owners as well as ensuring the clear dimensions in the guidance is met. You should contact your neighbours and the LA to establish if the flue is fitted correctly.

LABC team

Flue for chimney

Submitted 1 flwyddyn ago

My neighbours has recently got a wood burning stove..and there flue is scured to our property..they didn't ask what is the rules and regulations for this ?

LABC Response

Submitted 1 flwyddyn ago

Thank you for your enquiry.

The following response is my opinion on behalf of LABC, it is not a definitive interpretation of the legislation and remains a matter for the relevant enforcing authority to determine.

Subject to the flue in question being compliant with the requirements of Part J (such as flue outlet position, etc), then unfortunately the matter you raised is not controllable under the Building Regulations and therefore outside the remit of your Local Authority Building Control Team.

LABC would recommend seeking legal advice regarding any re-dress you may have.

Kind regards,

Flue from log burner

Submitted 11 mis ago

I've a flue on my outside wall which has been there about 10 years. The outside wall is the boundary to what used to be a field. Now it's being built on and the builders have said I need to remove the flue or they'll sue. Have they any grounds to sue?

LABC Response

Submitted 10 mis ago


Thank you for your enquiry.

This is a civil matter between you and your neighbour (contractor) rather than a building control one, so I recommend you speak to a solicitor to discuss the best way to proceed. We are sorry but we cannot assist any further.


Non-compliance with Document J

Submitted 10 mis ago

I live in Cardiff. A neighbour has had external flue installed by a HETAS approved installer. The clearance between the flue and the next-door property is less than 2.3M so it is non-compliant with Regulation J. Direct approaches to the owner of the flue have not been productive. HETAS is unable to inspect the work as the owner will not respond to them. The local authority, Cardiff City Council, will not take any action as they say it is HETAS's responsibility. Do you have any advice about next steps to get the matter rectified?

LABC Response

Submitted 9 mis ago


Thank you for your enquiry, however, the answer will be dependent upon your particular circumstances, and this is not something that LABC can help with. LABC is a membership organisation, providing advice and support to its member local authorities around England and Wales. The situation you describe is not conclusive evidence that the flue position is non-compliant. Much will depend upon the height of your property and the height of the flue. LABC has contacted Cardiff building control team, and they are happy for you to contact them to discuss although I understand the situation may have been resolved with their assistance.


Wood burner chimney/flue

Submitted 10 mis ago

My neighbour has installed a new wood burner I believe the height of the chimney to be within regulation but the outlet position of the chimney is only 5 inches from the border fence is this ok ?

LABC Response

Submitted 9 mis ago


Thank you for your comment.

Unfortunately, there is insufficient information for LABC to form an opinion in this instance. In light of this, we would recommend that you discuss your concerns with your Building Control team at your Local Authority - their contact details can be found by inputting your post code into the ‘search’ bar located in the top right corner of our website.

Kind regards,

Doomer attached to my doomer

Submitted 3 mis ago

Hi my neighbour has attached a doomer on the rear of the property against my chimney. The flue pipe seems to be slightly higher but they have attached lead to the chimney as part of the roofing/doomer. Surely this is unsafe as the pointing has come away on the chimney in the process of the build. The fumes may be entering their doomer. Is there any regulations regards to the hight requirements or any regulations with regards to attaching on to a chimney.

Kind regards

Ychwanegu sylw newydd

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