Blog Post
As we get used to the new year with its challenges and resolutions, it's clear the construction industry needs to change – and that’s why I’m asking…
MHCLG have announced a review on the ban on the use of combustible materials (including attachments) in and on external walls of buildings. The …
Press Release
On Monday 20 January, the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon. Robert Jenrick MP, made a statement to…
SCOSS (Standing Committee on Structural Safety) have issued an alert on the Structural Safety of Glass in Balustrades. This followed an incident…
The Construction Youth Trust have just launched a set of resources that will allow construction professionals to help students overcome barriers and…
Congratulations to Anthony Oloyede who succeeded Dave Sharp as President of LABC for 2019-2020 at this year's AGM in Birmingham.
Fire investigators are warning DIYers about the potential risk of using expanding foam, if not used correctly. So far this year, firefighters have…
The Government's consultation on the Future Homes Standard will help to move our homes towards being more energy efficient more quickly. Stuart…
A recent CROSS report detailed a situation where a reporter was asked to check the roof of a building which had been leaking for a few years but was…