Press Release
The site at the Depot Cinema, Pinwell Road, Lewes, constructed by Durtnell & Sons Ltd, designed by Burrell Foley Fischer LLP for Lewes Community…
Blog Post
Article updated on 31 January 2024 Roof trusses offer a quick and efficient alternative to a conventional timber roof but they're quite delicate when…
The typical low rise domestic foundation detail to the left might be familiar to you. It's taken from the ​Building Construction Handb​ook 10th…
Blog Post
Article updated on 31 January 2024 When there are significant changes in level on a building plot or, if the profile of a decent load-bearing strata…
Most properties in the UK have battery-operated smoke alarms, but mains powered smoke alarms interlinked between floors are the most reliable method…
Blog Post
New dwellings that fail the acoustic test can costs many thousands of pounds to correct. So getting the design and specification right before…
The interim report published in December 2017 by Dame Judith Hackitt identified that the current system of building regulations and fire safety was…
Blog Post
As we're sure you're aware, we're going through a cold patch at the moment. If you're a builder or a tradesman, how does the cold affect your tools…
LABC launched its independently verified quality management system earlier in January and 11 months later 186 local teams have joined the formal…