Installing site-formed cavity trays
Cavity trays are an important feature in external cavity walls to assist in ensuring any water is directed outside the building. Incorrect specification or installation can lead to defects in the wall and water damage that might be expensive or needlessly destructive to rectify.
Building Regulation Part C2(c) requires walls to adequately protect the building and people who use it from harmful effects caused by water ingress including wind driven-spray. Regulation 7 requires that any installation is undertaken in a workmanlike manner with materials or products appropriate for the circumstances.
Pre-formed and proprietary products are available to provide suitable protection. Where used, they should be suitable for the situation proposed in accordance with any test or certification; and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s or approved details.
If cavity trays are to be formed on site, British Standard codes of practice (see BS 8215 and 8000-3 in particular) give guidance on appropriate materials and installation methods to reduce the risk of failure. However, any installation instructions from material or product manufacturers should always be followed.
Note that specific details for lead and copper are not included and specialist advice would need to be sought where site forming cavity trays out of these materials.
This article only relates to buildings having a top floor level that is less than 18m from the lowest external ground level.
Site-formed cavity trays over lintels, openings or abutments
Cavity trays should be installed directly above the opening/lintel and be in a single continuous length (without joints) wherever possible. If joints cannot be avoided along their length, these should be rigidly supported and have a lap of at least 100mm, sealed according to material/product manufacturer’s details.
The tray must rise by a minimum of 150mm from the outer to the inner leaf of the wall, supported along its length to prevent it from sagging where possible (See Diagram 1).
The tray must be the full length of a lintel or width of abutment. They must have a stop-end at each end to prevent any moisture build-up dropping into the remainder of the cavity as illustrated in Diagram 1. Stop-ends need to be bonded to the cavity tray and well-sealed; achieving this with roll materials is likely to be difficult and the use of pre-formed stop ends bonded to the material in accordance with manufacturer’s details is recommended.
Diagram 1: Stop ends and cavity tray height
Likewise, because changes of direction of a cavity tray are more complicated than joints, involving complex bending and folding; it is recommended that prefabricated corner units are used, well-sealed to the cavity tray material (See example in Diagram 2).
Diagram 2: Prefabricated corner unit example
To allow water to drain out of the cavity, weepholes should be provided in the outer leaf immediately above the cavity tray and positioned at a maximum distance of 900mm centres. The tray should dress over any associated flashing or vertical membranes to ensure any water is drained outwards as illustrated in Diagram 3.
Diagram 3: Weepholes and lapping of trays
When a lintel runs continuously across narrow piers 600mm or less, it is recommended that a single cavity tray is installed across the pier.
It is important to remember that any laps must be well sealed and the cavity above the tray kept clean of any debris or mortar dropping to ensure adequate functioning.
For stepped abutments, it is recommended that site formed units are used, further guidance is contained within chapter 6.1.13 of the LABC Warranty Technical Manual.
Extensions and alterations
When an extension, new bay window or other relevant alteration is provided, the existing building should comply with all relevant requirements on completion of the works. It is likely that cavity trays will need to be provided above any new roof abutment to the wall. This will require masonry to be cut-out in suitable sections and cavity trays with stop-ends to be retrofitted adequately sat into both leaves of the wall. Weepholes, adequate sealing and pointing/joint interfaces will need to be carefully installed to ensure performance is maintained.
Installation will need to be undertaken in accordance with the principles discussed above and may require specialist input. Early discussion with the building control authority is recommended in this situation.
Cavity tray best practice
LABC Warranty provides further guidance in Chapter 6.1.13 of the technical manual and have provided the following best practice tips:
- Cavity trays should be installed over all external door and window openings including bay windows and at roof abutments, both horizontal and pitched.
- The cavity tray should be correctly located directly over the window/door head.
- Purpose-made stepped cavity trays are best utilised for all pitched roof abutments.
- Where natural stone/artificial stone heads are being used. It is advisable to double up the cavity trays, one below and one above the head and ensure that the cavity insulation continues to cover behind the stone head.
- Ensure weep holes are provided at each end of a horizontal cavity tray and at maximum 900mm centres.
- Ensure a weep hole is provided at the base of stepped cavity trays.
- Ensure the cavity trays are kept free of mortar droppings.
- Where using brick slip SIP panel lintels, cavity trays with stop ends and weep hole provision must be provided ‘above’ the SIP lintel, not behind it.
In addition, cavity trays and DPCs should be bedded into mortar below and provided above to prevent the potential for a slip or sliding. For DPC and cavity tray materials, always follow the manufacturers guidance and approved installation methods.
Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.
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Weep holes in rendered external wall
Submitted 1 year 10 months ago
"Where the wall is externally rendered, the weep-holes are not deemed necessary for cavity wall construction."
LABC response
Submitted 1 year 10 months ago
Please refer to most recent version of the LABC Technical Manual (version 11) ( as this is consistent with the article.
LABC team
cavity tray material
Submitted 2 years 6 months ago
LABC Response
Submitted 2 years 5 months ago
LABC is a membership organisation, providing advice and support to its member local authorities around England and Wales. As a result, LABC cannot comment on the application and enforcement of the Building Regulations on individual cases, as this is a matter for the local council – being the enforcing authority for building regulations.
However, in my opinion it is unsuitable to form a cavity tray with DPM. Depending on the site-specific conditions, I would suggest the use of purpose-made cavity trays is the preferred option; however suitably specified and detailed DPC may also be used as referenced in BS 8215.
Kind regards,
DPC Material
Submitted 2 years 4 months ago
LABC response
Submitted 2 years 4 months ago
Thank you for your comment. BS 8215 recommends that a PVC site formed cavity tray is created using a dpc conforming to BS 6515 with a minimum thickness of 0.46mm. You may also wish to discuss this with any Warranty provider as they may have their own standards of performance to achieve.
LABC team
Cavity tray with no weep holes
Submitted 2 years 3 months ago
LABC response
Submitted 2 years 1 month ago
Thank you for your recent on-line enquiry.
LABC is a membership organisation, providing advice and support to its member local authorities around England and Wales. As a result, LABC cannot comment on the application and enforcement of the Building Regulations on individual cases, as this is a matter for the local council – being the enforcing authority for building regulations.
The guidance in Approved Document C of the Building Regulations states that weep holes should be provided in all external walls where cavity trays are installed. Rain driven moisture can enter the cavity through tiny cracks in the finish and this moisture should be allowed to dissipate.
Please note that the latest LABC Warranty Technical Manual (version 11) also recommends that weep holes will be required in rendered masonry cavity walls (see section 6.1.9).
Kind regards,
Cavity Tray Requirement on replacement roofs
Submitted 2 years 1 month ago
Please, can you clarify if a cavity tray is required in the following situation?
A re-roof to an extension where there is currently no cavity tray present. This is a typical occurrence where non-exempt conservatories (no thermal separation and therefore do not fall under Schedule 2 and are considered extensions to the building) have the roof replaced.
In particular, would Regulation 4(3) 'no more unsatisfactory' be applied and, if so, could this be applied to all re-roofs?
Many thanks
LABC response
Submitted 2 years ago
Extensions and alterations
When an extension, new bay window or other relevant alteration is provided, the existing building should comply with all relevant requirements on completion of the works. It is likely that cavity trays will need to be provided above any new roof abutment to the wall. This will require masonry to be cut-out in suitable sections and cavity trays with stop-ends to be retrofitted adequately sat into both leaves of the wall. Weepholes, adequate sealing and pointing/joint interfaces will need to be carefully installed to ensure performance is maintained.
Installation will need to be undertaken in accordance with the principles discussed above and may require specialist input. Early discussion with the building control authority is recommended in this situation.
LABC team
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