How to get it right: Wheelie bins and the building regulations

Blog Post
Wheelie bins and Building Regulations Part H

Whether they're for waste, recyclables, gardens or glass, the rise of the wheelie bin is causing issues of its own. More space to store the wheelie bins is needed but did you know that the requirements are contained in the Building Regs?

You could be excused for thinking that Building Regulations Part H and its Approved Document was just about drainage, but it also covers solid waste storage.

H6         (1) Adequate provision shall be made for storage of solid waste.

             (2) Adequate means of access shall be provided:

                      (a) For people in the building to the place of storage; and

                      (b) From the place of storage to a collection point (where one has been specified by the waste collection authority) or to a street (where no collection point has been specified).

Within the Approved Document you can find guidance on how this could be achieved. For low rise developments (houses, bungalows and flats up to four floors) you need to provide:

Space for the storage of containers for separated waste with a combined capacity of 0.25m³ per dwelling. (This might change following consultation with the waste collection authority when collections are less frequent than once per week). A wheelie bin measuring 500mm x 500mm x 1m high would give 0.25m3.

Any dwelling should have access to a location where at least two movable individual or communal waste containers can be stored.

An area of 1.2m x 1.2m for each dwelling for storage of waste containers and where separate storage areas are provided.

Where communal storage areas are provided, space requirements should be determined in consultation with the waste collection authority.

Householders shouldn’t need to carry refuse more than 30m to storage areas and these should be within 25m of any waste collection point specified by the waste collection authority.

The location of waste containers should be sited so that they don’t have to be taken through a building to be emptied, unless it's a porch, garage, car port or other open covered space.  This applies only to new buildings except that extensions or conversions shouldn't remove such a facility where one already exists.

External storage areas for waste containers should be away from windows and ventilators and preferably be in shade or under shelter. Storage areas should not interfere with pedestrian or vehicle access to buildings.

The last point is probably the most contentious as it relies solely on the consideration of those moving the bins to an emptying point and taking them back to their storage space afterwards.

Careful design in line with the guidance in Approved Doc H can minimise these issues.


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.


Clinical waste bins against my wall.

Submitted 1 year 7 months ago


There is a neighbouring private dentist who has stored several large clinical waste bins against my wall (in direct contact with the wall). Is there anything that I can do about this? The dentist isn't willow to do anything and they are also located a few feet away from an air vent.


LABC response

Submitted 1 year 7 months ago


Thank you for your recent question concerning the LABC article ‘How to get it right: Wheelie bins and the building regulations’. The advice is intended for buildings that are considered to be having building work carried out – for instance a new building or an extension, alteration or change of use of a building.

If a waste storage container is located against your house wall and belongs to another property/person, you should discuss with the containers owner/user about them moving it to a more suitable location, especially if the container might be close to a ventilation opening into a building. As a rule of thumb, to prevent smells from entering through a ventilation opening, there should be at least 3m between the container and an opening window or ventilator. However, that is not stated in regulation and is the general rule that would be applied to the positioning of the open end of a drains soil and ventilating pipe and which is intended to prevent smells from entering a building by positioning the outlet far enough away from a ventilation opening.

If the owner/user of the container does not agree to move the container, you should contact your local councils environmental health team and ask if they have any powers to intervene.

LABC team

Measuring Distance

Submitted 1 year 7 months ago

Is guidance available on how the stipulated 30m maximum from a flat front door to the waste storage should be measured. The guidance state that the vertical distance can be discounted. Do you just measure the horizontal distance from door to top of stairs and then bottom of stairs to waste storage?

LABC response

Submitted 1 year 7 months ago


thank you for your comment.

The guidance in Approved document H6 section 1.8 does, consider that where you have storage areas and chutes that the carrying of refuse does not exceed 30m and so in that instance the vertical distance can be excluded. The specific siting for your development for the storage of the waste and the siting of that storage by the relevant waste collection authority will need to be discussed with your LA.

LABC team

Should a bin storage area be hard standing?

Submitted 1 year 6 months ago

Should the bin storage area for a standard semi detached house be on hard standing, or is it acceptable to say the bins can stand on garden area? I can't find the answer in H6

LABC Response

Submitted 1 year 6 months ago


Thank you for your enquiry, however, the answer will be dependent upon your particular circumstances, and this is not something that LABC can help with.

Please contact the Building Control team at your Local Authority to discuss these project specific requirements. You can find the contact details of the relevant Building Control team by entering your postcode in the search box at the top right-hand side of our website.

We are sorry we cannot be of further assistance, but hope you find the above to be of some help.


Building regulations for wheeled bins

Submitted 1 year 3 months ago

Could you please advise whether these apply to the whole of the UK?

LABC Response

Submitted 1 year 3 months ago


Thank you for your question.

LABC is a member organisation covering the building regulations for England and Wales, the other parts of the UK will have their own guidance and regulations for waste disposal.


No land to store bins

Submitted 1 year 1 month ago


I'm considering purchasing a property which is just the building itself and no land surrounding it. Only one elevation (front) is accessable, which fronts the road directly. How can I manage refuse storage in this case?

Thanks in advance

LABC Response

Submitted 1 year 1 month ago


As the property already exists then we would advise that you contact your LA refuse/highways department to see what arrangements are suitable in your specific case.


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