Fast, cost-effective raft foundation solution

Blog Post
Picture of raft foundation

Proprietary house and raft foundation systems are helping to revolutionise construction by introducing solutions that can save you time and money. One such system is Abbey Pynford’s Housedeck, which has LABC Registered Details certification EW115A.

The solution represents an alternative to traditional strip foundations or pile and beam with the associated brickwork and flooring. This means you don’t have to individually design each steel-framed structure as was common in the past as this approach has been replaced with proprietary frame systems.

Housedeck is comprised of a reinforced concrete slab supported on bored piles, driven piles, vibro floatation, vibro concrete columns, engineered fill, or stabilised ground. It has two basic types: Standard (deck supported from piles or treated ground, directly on the ground surface) and Voided (deck supported by piles, void designed to accommodate ground heave and deal with gassing sites).

It offers the same benefits as most proprietary systems, chiefly reduced construction times and cost and significant reductions in carbon footprint. Its LABC certification means easier, quicker local authority building control approval.

Abbey Pynford also offers the Comdeck Foundation System for use in commercial applications. This too has Registered Details certification. Find out more about the registrations at

LABC Registered Details, now known as LABC Assured (as of March 2019), is a one-off certification process proving compliance with building regulations and standards across England, Wales & Scotland. Registering your product, system, or house type with LABC increases industry confidence while also raising the profile of your company.


Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the user’s professional judgement. It is the responsibility of the dutyholder or person carrying out the work to ensure compliance with relevant building regulations or applicable technical standards.



Submitted 6 years 3 months ago

We have a project which we’d like a price for.

Please could you contact me on or 07984 487888.



Submitted 6 years 3 months ago

Hi Stewart, please email to find out more information about your project.

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