David Smith MBE PPIBC

david smith


david smith

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of David Smith MBE on 6th June 2022. 

David began his career in building control as a trainee building inspector at Ipswich Borough Council in 1962, progressing through the ranks with a spell at Deben Rural District Council as assistant building control officer where he gained his higher building inspector’s qualification with the Institution of Municipal Engineers. He then moved back to Ipswich Borough Council, where after several promotions, he was appointed Chief BCO in 1985, a position he held until 1997. 

David was for many years the ground safety officer of Ipswich Town FC where he was always happy to arrange a tour for any local authority Building Control staff who had Safety at Sports Ground responsibilities.

He was elected as President of the Institute of Building Control in 1993. In 1995 he was elected as Chairman (later as President) of the Consortium of European Building Control until 2015.

After Ipswich, David formed MLM, one of the first Approved Inspectors but continued to be an advocate of the entire profession, regardless of sector.

After the merger of the IBC with the RICS, David was involved with the Building Control Forum. He was also appointed to the Government’s Building Regulations Advisory Committee and was a board member of Robust Details Ltd. 

Dave Baker, Chairman of Robust Details Ltd. says, “David was an inaugural member of the Board and served as a Director for fifteen years, representing the interests of the building control profession in this capacity” and remembers him as a gentleman and advocate for the profession.

In the more recent past and up to his untimely death, he was a Board member of the Construction Industry Council and served for many years in various capacities with the Construction Industry Council Approved Inspector Register.

In 2014, his service to Building Control and voluntary service in Suffolk was recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, when he was awarded Member of the Order of the British Empire. 

Ernie Spencer, retired Head of Building Control at Uttlesford DC and Secretary of Essex Building Surveyors says, “He was a born leader, mentor and consummate professional, and will be very much missed by all associated with Building Control.”

Paul Everall retired Chief Executive of LABC was a close personal friend of David and says “he did outstanding work for the building control profession. I shall miss him greatly.”

Finally, Hugh Johnson, IBC Past President, fellow professional and close friend for many years says, “I will miss being called ‘Hoo’ in that Suffolk accent, God Bless, and rest in peace mate!”

Our thoughts are with his wife Linda and his family and friends.



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