Blog Post
Of the many upsetting things you’ll find in last October’s report from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, perhaps the most painful is the timeline. Minute…
Blog Post
As we get used to the new year with its challenges and resolutions, it's clear the construction industry needs to change – and that’s why I’m asking…
Blog Post
The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) is a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve…
Blog Post
There have been some recent house fires where the fire has spread across the line of the party wall and caused extensive damage to the neighbouring…
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We offer a wide range of courses for members and non-members alike, so whether you're a building control professional, architect, specialist…
Blog Post
A career in construction can be a rewarding one but what about when the physicality of the job gets too much, or you feel you need a new challenge to…
Blog Post
Are you, your client or anyone else you know starting soon on a renovation to turn an unused space into a holiday rental?  If so Friel Kean…
Blog Post
There is a growing market for external wall insulation systems (EWIS) to prevent heat loss and this has led the British Board of Agrément (…
Blog Post
With the continued increase in block and beam ground floor construction it's essential that damp protection for the porous beam ends and exposed…