Richard Scott new LABC President

photo of Richard Scott of LABC

Congratulations to Richard Scott who succeeded Jayne Hall as President of LABC for 2016-2017.

Every year a local authority building control member is elected as Junior Vice President, who then in turn becomes President after two years. Richard has 26 years' of experience in building control and is Building Control Manager at Ashfield District Council. Previously, Richard has worked as a Building Control Surveyor and then Building Control Team Leader at Mansfield District Council.

Ex LABC president Jayne Hall handing over to incoming president Richard Scott

Last year's LABC president Jayne Hall hands over the chains of office to incoming president Richard Scott

Richard’s focus for his presidential year will be the introduction of a new approach to improve consistency and standards in the way all local authority building control teams work in England and Wales.  He wants to see better definitions of best practice, benchmarking and targeted performance standards.

Throughout his presidential year Richard will meet with leaders in industry, policy makers and local government to raise awareness of the value of working with site managers and designers to get compliance right at an early stage. 


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