How to spot dodgy electrical cables

Picture of electrical cables

Millions of metres of dodgy electrical cables are doing their rounds on the market, according to Approved Cables Initiative (ACI). These substandard cables not only pose a safety risk to consumers but a financial risk to your business too.

More than 27% of all electrical fires are attributed to faulty wires and cables and there have been thousands of injuries and more than a dozen fatalities in the last five years. Safer choices will provide peace of mind to you and to your customers and potentially save you money in the long run.

In order to conform to cable standards, specific cable marking is required. Don’t buy unmarked cable, with no manufacturer’s name or details - there’s been a 100% failure rate against the relevant standard on all unmarked cable tested by the ACI.

What to look for with electrical cables

  • Check cable markings and reels for recognised manufacturers’ identification and CE Mark
  • Never accept cable without known or acceptable markings
  • Look for independent third-party approval on cables
  • Inspect cable at the point of delivery and check against the purchase order
  • Maintain records of purchase and delivery
  • Commission regular checks and cable inspections

If you have information or concerns about a suspected cable, contact the ACI, which LABC supports, through 020 8946 6978 or The body will test samples and if found to be unsafe, details will be passed to relevant industry regulators and officials.

Find out more about electrical cable safety by visiting and visit Approved Document Part P - Electrical safety - Dwellings

Also read Millions of metres of dangerous cables 'in homes across UK'



Submitted 6 years 6 months ago

The forgers are clever enough to put fake markings on and there are to many unregistaired, non qualified and often "foreign" installers who neither understand or care what bad practice can cause.
the toothless authorities are a laughing stock to them.


Submitted 6 years 6 months ago

You can also prevent electrical fires by installing Thermarestor, LABC certification can be downloaded here

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Submitted 6 years 6 months ago

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