Building a Safer Future: LABC's final response to the Hackitt Review

Press Release
Hackitt Review - LABC final response

LABC have now submitted our detailed response to the final report and put simply, we support the Review's whole system approach and all of its recommendations.

Our response attempts to provide a framework from within which the report's recommendations can be implemented with the minimum of disruption for LABC members. We have, with the Ministry's support, convened a working group with the other enforcement bodies identified to established a broad agreement regarding our approach and way forward.

Within our response you will find:

  • Our proposed and virtual model to deliver the JCA.
  • A detailed JCA process map/structure.
  • Our tabulated response to each recommendation describing the potential issues to resolve.
  • Model to respond to concerns put forward by others regarding LAs regulating their own buildings.

All of the above have been informed by our recent member survey and interaction with various member working groups.

These are, however, uncertain times and through research we have identified that HRRB buildings account for up to 10% of workload mostly in core cities. It has been suggested by some that LABC members may not be able to cope with the anticipated increase in workload.

Further research has identified up to 3,000 existing buildings coming into scope, each requiring a cyclical case review. 

It is important at this stage to remember that these are only recommendations. Legislative change will take time and will inevitably be implemented transitionally.

Your input

31 July was the deadline for responses in respect of the Hackitt Report to the following email address:

Further information

Read LABC's full response and access the process maps etc here.

See our full list of documents and articles relating to the Hackitt Report and building regulations since the Grenfell Tower tragedy


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