A day in the life | Julie Lock

Blog Post

We are coming to you with a new 'a day in the life' article. We hear from one of our qualification students, Julie Lock telling us about her career in Building Control as a Building Control Surveyor. 


What is your current job title and how long have you worked within this role?

Building Control Surveyor – my title changed approximately 3 months ago but I have been officially in this role for about 18 months.

Julie Lock


What influenced/inspired you to decide to work in public service Building Control?

I didn’t start here, I joined Building Control in 2009. I had originally joined the Environment Health Team to do landlord/tenant & Renovation Grants.


What do you enjoy most about your current role?

Every day offers a new challenge and I'm constantly learning on the job.


What’s a typical day like in building control for you?

I organise my workload in advance but things crop up that need sorting and emails need answering. I also still do the on-construction EPCs, so no day is ever the same.


What qualification/s have you completed with us and why did you decide to undertake these qualifications? 

I have completed both the Level 3 Certificate and Level 4 Diploma with LABC.

  • Level 3 first to refresh my knowledge and learn more of the back office and basic legislation. 
  • Level 4 due to the changes in the building control industry. I wanted to formalise my existing knowledge and work towards competence validation once I have the relevant experience.


How have your new qualifications and studies helped you in a positive way, within your current role and for your future career prospects?

Level 4 has enlightened me more. I have found the time to look at the Approved Documents in more detail and start with a fresh approach to plan checking. My colleagues state it as a new pair of eyes.

I see my studies as a way of progressing my career in local authority building control. 


What would you say have been the main learning outcomes / overall experience you have taken from your qualifications with LABC?

It has been extremely amazing; the courses have been pitched at the right level (for myself). I feel more confident doing my day to day job and have the 'book knowledge' to help me take on new challenges and gain more experience. 

We had a great tutor in Richard, and the LABC Learning team were fantastic. I was in an amazing group and although it was delivered online, I still have made some great friends and contacts - networking is important.


What’s next for you in your career (please let us know if you are moving on to your next qualification with us?

I have enrolled on the Level 5 Building Control Surveying Diploma and am looking forward to the next challenge.

I have an amazing mentor, am gaining experience and I am passionate about my job.


What advice would you give to someone considering joining LABC's qualification pathway?

Hit it head on - it may seem daunting to start but trust me the journey is definitely worth the ride. 

It encompasses both the learning and on the job training that I needed. Remember ‘The only stupid Question’ is the one not asked, and I did ask quite a few 😊. 


If you missed our previous ‘A day in the life’, you can read them here:

Paul Round - Assistant Building Control Surveyor

Janine Roche - Building Control Officer


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See our qualifications

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